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Never talk to Amazon Seller Support Again

Let Our Customers
Tell The Story

Our mission and vision at Seller Candy is to touch the lives of our customers and give them more time and peace of mind to work on growing their business. We have designed our service inside and out to make every touchpoint a positive experience. We’re always looking to get better.

Read Our Case Studies Arrow

We love Seller Candy! They have made our business run smoother and took away the annoying headaches! Can’t say enough how much we love working with them!
Sabrina R.
You rock! We were using Refund Sniper for this service, so this is our money they left on the table. Excellent work!
Lori T.
Very reliable, responsive, and experienced with most of the Seller Central issues we throw their way. All account owners are very happy to continue the relationship long term.
Roger V.
Still Have Questions?


Which type of Amazon seller is "Seller Candy" designed for?

Seller Candy was made for sellers who want to outsource their Seller Central duties at an expert level, but also don’t want to become an employer. We feel there is a strong demand for successful Amazon sellers who want to buy their time back without venturing into the world of finding, hiring, training, and employing remote Virtual Assistants. We’ve also seen a strong demand from folks who already have VAs but they want to add expertise, automation, and security to their workflow.

Will I receive a dedicated agent? Who will I talk to?

We don’t assign an individual contact, because our entire team is at your service. For day to day business, you will hand off tasks and communicate directly with us through our team portal, which consists of our agents, supervisors, and founders, and the respondent may vary based on the type of request.

How long are your service contracts?

For our Unlimited & Revenue Recovery packages, we offer our services on a monthly basis.

What hours does your team operate?

Our team operates mainly between 2 am ~ 9 am UTC. But we’ll always go above and beyond for any urgent tasks. Keep in mind that our availability is limited on the weekends.

I can’t find a good time to book a meeting, how can I talk to you?

We’d love to arrange something with you manually, you can talk to us on live chat or email us.

What forms of payments do you accept?

We use credit card payments powered by Stripe. If you have any specific questions please feel free to chat with us directly.

So what type of tasks and duties are NOT handled by Seller Candy?

Currently, we do not handle Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), Customer Service, including messages from customers or “feedback removal strategies” as mentioned above in the FAQ. We also do not handle any type of LEGAL or TAX issues with Seller Central.